Local Council Award Scheme -


To achieve a foundation award a council demonstrates that it has the documentation and information in place for operating lawfully and according to standard practice. The council also has policies for training councillors and officers and is building a foundation for improvement and development.

The council also confirms by resolution at a full council meeting that it recognises its duties in relation to bio-diversity and crime and disorder, and that it has:


Registration fee: £50. 

Accreditation fee

Annual income under £25,000 - £50

Annual income over £25,000 - £80

All fees are payable to NALC.

How to Apply

You can apply for any award level - you don't need to start at Foundation

Step 1: Register with NALC 

You do not need to have all the criteria in place at this stage, you are simply registering your interest in taking part in the scheme

Step 2: have the criteria prepared and in place, confirm this in a public meeting

Step 3: send your completed application form to NALC 

The council notifies the accreditation panel co-ordinator when the resolution has been agreed and provides a completed application form, including webpage addresses to where the information can be found online.

For panel dates and more information click here