Climate Change

Climate Change

This page contains a wealth of information relating to the role of parish and town councils in combating climate change and helping the UK government achieve its net zero targets.

Twenty Things

This guide is produced by Friends of the Earth and complements it's template Local Climate Action Plan (see document). This guide identifies actions that parish and town councils can take on climate change and nature. Its purpose is to support those of the 10,000 local councils across England and 750 community councils in Wales who want to "do their bit" in addressing the climate and nature emergency.

  • 20 Actions on Climate Change

CCLA Guides

CCLA, which provides investment opportunities for local authorities, has produced a guide to COP26 and a useful advice note guiding parish and town councils on green and ethical investment.

CCLA - A Quick Guide to COP26

CCLA - A Climate for Good Investment


You don't have to reinvent the wheel. Responding to climate change is all about sharing, co-design, and copying the brilliant things that other people have already done. Here you will find all sorts of resources contributed by member parish and town councils in Northamptonshire.


Sources of grants and funding that will support climate change initiatives.

Northamptonshire Larger Councils Partnership Climate Change Meeting

We were very pleased to announce that the keynote speaker for the November 2021 meeting would be Councillor Ed Gemmell. Ed is a parish councillor and chairman of the Climate Emergency Working Party in Hazlemere and on NALC's climate emergency committee. He is also Buckinghamshire Unitary Councillor sitting on the Transport Environment and Climate Change Committee in Bucks and a member of the LGA's Environment, Economy, Housing and Transport Board. Ed also works as Managing Director of Scientists Warning Europe and is the founder of No Disposable Cup Day. He stood in the General Election in 2019 with only one policy to "reverse climate change".

Northamptonshire Larger Councils Partnership Climate Change Meeting Notes


Notes of the meeting held on 10 November 2021

Parish level carbon emission estimator

Impact, the parish-level carbon emission estimator, gives parishes and small communities usable data on their carbon emissions that is easy to interpret and easy to share.

It tells you how people in the parish travel and heat their homes, and other activities in the area that contribute to the local carbon emissions total.

Impact identifies the main 'carbon impact areas' in the parish or town – those places where focused community-based action can make the biggest contribution to cutting local emissions.

Northants CALC Climate Conference

Climate Conference 2022 Report

North Northants Council

Climate Conference Presentation

West Northants Council

Climate Conference Presentation

CSE Climate Conference Presentation

- Carbon Impact Calculator

NCALC Climate Conference Helen Ball,

Shrewsbury Town Council