CiLCA Resources Required

Arnold-Baker on Local Council Administration

You are going to need the latest copy of Arnold-Baker on Local Council Administration aka CAB aka The Yellow Book, or ideally no more than 1 edition out of date. 

You can purchase this book from: or


  • Action plan

  • Budget

  • Budget monitoring document

  • Code of Conduct

  • Data protection documents (privacy notice etc)

  • Employment contract

  • Equality/diversity policy

  • Financial regulations

  • Grant awarding policy

  • Publication scheme

  • Risk management scheme

  • Standing orders

  • Training and development policy

If you don't have a policy listed above, get in touch with

Other Useful Resources

  • Local Councils Explained by Meera Tharmarajah

  • The Good Councillor Guides

  • Knowles on Local Authority Meetings

  • NALC legal topic notes


Additional Training 

  • Budgeting for clerks and finance staff

  • Data Protection & GDPR for Clerks & Officers

  • Year-end & Audit

  • VAT

  • Planning Nuts and Bolts

  • Responding to Planning Applications

  • Community Infrastructure Levy and S106

  • Agendas and Minutes